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Introducing MY WEXER – the better way to manage your virtual offering


By Morten Anderson

Scheduling virtual fitness classes into your live group exercise timetable will improve member engagement and attendance. It’s proven!

So, it’s time to say goodbye to Wexer Admin, and hello to MY WEXER.

With MY WEXER, you can:

  • Monitor the performance of your virtual offering via a personalised dashboard. Your dashboard presents vital information that will enable you to schedule the right classes at the right times for your members.
  • Stay informed on the latest virtual classes and all other news via the messages We’ll post important information here so make sure you check it regularly.
  • Schedule virtual fitness classes with ease! We’ve upgraded the class calendar function so that you can simply drag and drop any class.
  • Browse and download marketing materials to support your promotions, both in-club and online.
  • Search and browse through hundreds of classes in our new virtual class library. Filter by duration, level and category to find classes that are most likely to appeal to your members.
  • Analyse participation trends in the new statistics Here you can extract data and determine usage patterns trends. These insights will enable you to schedule relevant classes that will truly engage members.

For more information please contact one of the team at Or if you would like to discuss installing Wexer Virtual into your clubs, then contact the team here

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