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Now you can live stream on your own-branded platform


Now many of us are on the brink of a second lockdown, it’s time to look at how you deliver your live-streamed classes.

And we say ‘how’ not ‘if’ with confidence: if lockdown has shown us anything, it’s that consumers are fully on-board with the idea of working out from home.

The hybrid future is now the hybrid present. And within your hybrid offering, you will no doubt want to incorporate live streaming – something that’s gained so much traction during lockdown.

But are Zoom, Instagram, Facebook Live really the way to go moving forward?

The speed with which lockdown came forced operators’ hands; these third-party platforms provided an instantly available lifeline. But now it’s time to re-strategise for the long term, building a sustainable digital solution that adds value not only to your members but also to your business.

We’re talking about a digital platform that allows you to stream your content under your own brand; in a space you control; that you can monetise should you choose; and where you own the relationship, so loyalty is to you, not a third-party platform that also hosts many other brands’ content.

Step forward the Wexer Web Player, with its new Live Streaming functionality.

With this new functionality, the Web Player – our any time, anywhere, any internet-enabled device platform – now supports all three prongs of content that underpin a strong online offering:

  • Professionally produced live streaming of your top stars.
  • Amateur live streaming by local instructors.
  • A large on-demand library, ensuring there’s always great strength in depth whatever your members’ interests. This is something the Web Player has always offered, with hundreds of on-demand, music licence-free classes curated from Wexer’s global content provider.


Your very own TV channel

It’s all thanks to Connect, a new section of the Wexer Web Player that acts as an operator’s own TV channel – a platform to share whatever content you choose, from classes to workshops to seminars.


Launched in June, Connect initially enabled clubs to pre-record and upload content for release at a pre-scheduled time.

Now, with the launch of our latest functionality, you can also live stream on Connect.

You can save your live streamed classes into the on-demand library, too, for anyone who missed it live – or who loved it so much they want to take the class again.

As a club operator, it means all your online content lives in one place, giving you ultimate control and oversight of the full online experience – no disparate parts but rather one well-managed, planned, coherent whole.

Not only that, but as a password-protected white label solution, all your digital content sits under your brand, in the same ownable, monetisable, data-gatherable space.

And if that isn’t enough to persuade you, here’s the no-brainer: all of this is available to Web Player customers at no additional cost.


To find out more, please email us at





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