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When this crisis is over, will customers still be loyal to your brand?


It is hard to get your head around quite what has happened in the space of just a few weeks: from ‘business as normal’ to crisis management; from clubs full of members, schools full of pupils and offices full of employees to gyms shuttered, schools closed and home working the new norm.

It all happened so quickly that there was no time for planning or pre-emptive measures. Instead, a scramble to catch up and make the best of this difficult and unprecedented situation.

In terms of fitness provision, that has inevitably meant a rapid move towards digital content that can be shared with end users – via apps, websites and social media – so people can keep active at home.

The balancing act to strike is this: you want to get content out there right now – something members and employees can use today. But particularly as a health club operator wanting to retain member loyalty throughout this crisis, it’s important that this offering, this support, is seen to be clearly coming from you.

With that in mind, even faced with today’s pressing and immediate needs, it’s important to take a medium- to long-term view.

This is where the Wexer Web Player comes in. We’d like to share 10 reasons why the Wexer Web Player should be your first choice for ‘any time, anywhere’ fitness provision.


  1. The platform is yours. As a white label solution, you own the on-demand platform. This minimises the risk of losing your members to a third party digital provider – the standalone solution you might in the short term be tempted to direct them towards, but which members may then consider a viable option for their longer-term fitness needs.
  2. A branded experience. In addition to being white labelled, ensuring it is your brand that’s being seen to support your members, our Web Player allows you to tailor the online offering to reflect your in-club experience. You can highlight specific classes or class collections on the home page to mirror your regular studio offering, for example.
  3. Quick turnaround. Your very own, white labelled Web Player can be ready in as little as seven days from signing the contract.
  4. Gain member insight. You will be able to keep track of class usage, giving you an insight into customer trends – the classes your members really want. This could also have a positive impact on your live, in-club class scheduling moving forward.
  5. Bespoke the experience. There’s an option to create your own class collections to suit your specific member profile, including all the classes you know your members love to do.
  6. You own the data. Once we emerge from this crisis, you will be in a position to create a rich, seamless digital fitness experience for your members without having to switch to an alternative platform.
  7. Music licence-free solution. The last thing you want to be worrying about right now is music licensing – you just want to get something into your members’ hands. We get that. It’s why around 550 of our 1,000+ classes are already music licence-free, and why we’re negotiating to increase that number even further.
  8. Variety of content. Early indications are that during this crisis, more people will be getting more active, more often, online – and that means variety is more important than ever. You will need to offer strength in depth, with something for everyone as well as variety within each category. With Wexer Web Player, even just our licence-free classes means world-class content from 14 content providers, with more to come.
  9. Feed your feed. With Wexer Web Player, you can promote specific classes on your social media feeds, providing members with a direct link to take part in your nominated class.
  10. An exciting roadmap. We never sit still; your Web Player will get better and better over time. Coming soon: live streaming and an option to upload your own content, created by your rockstars and brand ambassadors, to your own white labelled Web Player.

For more information please contact us at



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