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Here’s what your members are telling us they want


If you’re busy producing your own online class content, you want to know you’re investing your time, money and effort in the right place – right?

In this respect, there’s nothing quite like user data to understand what we’re doing right (or wrong). In-club, members vote with their feet, filling the most popular classes. Online, they vote with clicks – and those clicks can be tracked to understand where the greatest demand is, and what content you therefore need to create more of.

Of course, you will have nuances in usage that are specific to your member base – nuances you absolutely need to respond to.

Nevertheless, we thought it would be interesting to take a look back over the millions of Wexer classes enjoyed both in-club and online throughout the course of 2020, to see what the over-arching trends are.

In doing so, we spotted two important themes.


  1. Short and sweet

Little and often seems to be the recipe for online fitness, with users favouring shorter class formats.

  • 62% of all workouts selected on the Wexer Web Player and App in 2020 were classes with a duration of 16–30 minutes.
  • Only 5% were over 45 minutes.
  • 20% were 15 minutes or less – particularly impressive given that, at this stage, there are fewer of these very short format classes compared to other class durations on the platform.


Lesson: Make it bite-sized

  1. A complementary activity

With a 10-minute ab workout firmly in top spot, followed by a guided morning stretch in second place, it’s clear from 2020’s ‘total plays’ list that users are looking for out-of-club workouts that complement the other activities they’re doing, rather than necessarily replicating them at home.

Lesson: Complement, don’t duplicate


Further advice regarding your online content creation can be found on our blog, including 10 invaluable tips and advice on your online content strategy.







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