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Wexer’s new user interface: We make finding the perfect class simple


A browser is only as good as the ease with which you can find exactly what you want through it.

That’s why we’ve re-invented the user interface of the Wexer Virtual Player – the shop window of our virtual class system. We wanted to make it even easier to search for and identify the perfect workout from our extensive library of over 1,000 virtual group exercise classes.

We started off with the look and feel, making the whole thing lighter, brighter and even more visual, with headlines and imagery that really pop off the page and draw you in. It’s about making the experience clean and clear, inspiring and inviting.

(That said, if you preferred the darker screen of our old user interface, a simple toggle in Settings allows you to instantly change from white to black, and back again – the colour scheme will change without losing the benefits of the other improvements we’ve made.)

It’s easy to change language too, simply clicking on the current language shown in the corner of the home screen and choosing from the other language options shown.



Go home

But it’s the rest of the home page that deserves the real attention, with just three buttons from which to choose: Explore, View Schedule, and Search. We’ll talk you through each of these in a moment. First, though, a quick mention of what lies beneath: an eye-catching carousel of images showcasing all the newest classes. Scroll across, either by swiping or by clicking the arrows, for brand new workout inspiration.

And so to ‘Explore’. Select this option on the home page and you’ll launch a screen featuring a distinctive, impactful thumbnail for each class Collection – our new way of organising classes for ease of navigation.

(Consistency of experience being the name of the game here, this – Collections – is the same approach we’re already using on the Wexer Web Player, for those of you familiar with this fantastic new product.)

Every class in the huge Wexer library is currently encompassed within 10 main Collections, from Ride The World to Yoga, Sixpack Abs to Powerful Mind & Meditation, Body Weight Blast to HiiT It. Simply scroll down the screen to find the Collection you want.

Please note, in addition to these main Collections, there are two further, specially curated Collections – Featured and Most Popular – which will always be found at the top of the list. The classes within them will likely change each time you log in, as these Collections respectively offer our recommended new classes and the most played classes in your club.



Drill down

Once you’ve found the Collection you want, click ‘View all’ to launch a new page showing a helpful thumbnail for every class in that Collection – not just an image to represent the class, but also its duration and a tag to show the type of workout: cardio, mind-body and so on. Once again, it’s about simplifying the search process, clearly signposting the key attributes of each workout – attributes on which decisions are most commonly made – to help you quickly find what you need.

Scroll across this page to explore all the classes available in your chosen Collection. Then, when you think you’ve found the class you want, double check by clicking on it. This will launch a handy preview: a short video from the class, along with a class description and key information around class duration, type, level, trainer and provider.

Press ‘start’ and the class will begin, on-demand – or alternatively, if you now realise you’ve done it before and want to try something new, how about we recommend an alternative? Beneath every class preview you launch, you’ll see ‘Related content’ – our suggestions of other great classes that match your search criteria, and that might give you just the workout inspiration you’re seeking today.


Simple, fast, intuitive

Next up is ‘Search’, which instead of using Collections allows you to search for a class by category, keyword or content provider.

If you search by category, you’ll have three filters from which to choose: Duration, Type and Level. Apply just one of these filters, two, or all three for a very precise search.

Searching by keyword presents you with a search bar into which you type the relevant search term(s), whether that’s a specific class name, a type of class, provider, or even body part you want to train.

Finally, choosing to search by provider launches an impressive list of all of Wexer’s world-leading content partners. Scroll across the logos to find the provider you’re looking for, then click to view all their classes.

As before, search results will all appear as eye-catching thumbnails on a results screen; click on any of these classes for a preview.

Once again, it’s about making your search simpler, faster and more intuitive, ensuring you quickly get to the class you want – however you choose to approach your search.



Schedules that sell themselves

Finally, ‘View Schedule’ is where you can view the club’s timetable of scheduled virtual classes – and once again it’s far more visual than before, with the relevant thumbnails used for each class. This not only makes it more eye-catching for end users, but also – by offering a great overview of the spread of classes – makes it easier for studio co-ordinators to plan timetables.

View by day (across the top) and, within each day, by start time (down the right-hand side). You can also zoom in and out (buttons to the right of the screen) to switch between viewing an overview versus focusing in on the detail of a specific day or time.

And, of course, if members want to know more about any class they see on the timetable, all they need do is click on the thumbnail to launch a preview.

Particularly interesting here: if a club also has Wexer Web Player or Wexer Mobile, there’s an option to add a QR code to this preview page. This allows members to scan and save an interesting-looking class to do at home later, or even to do on their own elsewhere in the gym – great if the class has already started in the studio and they want to try it for themselves, from the start, or if a popular virtual class is full and they don’t want to miss out altogether.



Partner integrations

Last but not least, the Settings tab is also the place of partner integrations.

Got Wexer Beat in your club – Wexer’s heart rate monitoring system created in partnership with Motosumo? This is where you can choose whether (or not) to overlay heart rate data on the studio big screen for any given class.

Got Wexer’s very latest Player and upgraded to the fully interactive version of Intelligent Cycling? This is where you integrate with the Intelligent Cycling app, allowing your instructors to design and schedule bespoke workouts for your members.

You may not currently use this section of the Player much, but as our list of partnerships grows, this Settings tab will become an invaluable hub to manage the member experience in your virtual classes.

We hope this blog has answered any questions you might have on our new user interface – as well as some you didn’t even know you had yet! – but as always, if you have any further queries, we’re here to help. You can contact us at info@wexer.com



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