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Wexer Web Player: No music licensing headache


In these early days of the COVID-19 crisis, when clubs have just been shuttered and everyone is trying to plot the best path forward for their businesses, you no doubt have an unfamiliar and daunting to-do list in front of you.

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could take some of the hassles off your hands? Well, that’s what we’ve tried to do with our Wexer Web Player.

We know the last thing you want to be worrying about right now is music licensing. You just want to get something into your members’ hands that they can use from home, and that won’t come back to bite you later. That’s why around 550 of our 1,000+ virtual classes are already music licence-free, and why we’re working to increase that number still further.

That’s 550 classes you can offer your members through the Web Player now, without even having to think about music licensing.

This isn’t only a temporary thing either. Wexer is committed, on an ongoing basis, to offering as many of its classes as possible with no music licence fees payable. We have already negotiated deals with 14 of our 60+ partners and will continue these negotiations moving forward, to ensure music licensing for your virtual classes is one headache you won’t have to face again.

This is just one of 10 great reasons why Wexer Web Player should be your first choice for ‘any time, anywhere’ fitness provision. Read more here, or email us at



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