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Fill your entire digital ecosystem with world-class content, the easy way


With online fitness here to stay – a flexible complement to gym attendance – operators around the world are faced with a new task: filling online portals with high-quality content that delivers a brand-enhancing out-of-club exercise experience.

It can be an expensive and time-consuming process, but it needn’t be this way.

That’s because we’re here to take the load off your shoulders, allowing you to effectively outsource content creation to us.


Your options are multiplying

Since the launch of the Wexer SDK earlier this year, Wexer’s extensive library of world-class fitness and wellbeing content has been available for operators to integrate into their own apps.

Simply cherry pick whatever content best fits your member profile, pull it into your app, and your members get to enjoy it without ever having to leave the branded environment of your club.

That, in a nutshell, is the Wexer SDK: our content in your app. Still hosted by us, streamed by us, continually refreshed by us so there’s always something new for your members to enjoy. But delivered under your brand, for an exceptional member experience with minimum hassle to you, the operator.

But what happens if you want to use our content not only in your app, but also through other channels in your digital ecosystem?

This is now also possible with the launch of a brand new Wexer API – the latest addition to our portfolio of content integration tools.

Ideal for larger operators with a broader digital ecosystem, our new API allows gyms to integrate Wexer’s on-demand content not only into their own apps, but also their websites, smart TV platforms, even smart hardware such as smart mirrors.

It ensures the members of clubs with broader digital ecosystems can enjoy all-important consistency across every digital touchpoint, able to do their favourite workout through any piece of hardware they choose within their gym’s ecosystem.

The API allows partners to integrate Wexer’s world-class content through a server-to-server integration. So existing content management (CMS) and back-office systems can be used without the need to add another system to their technology stacks.


Some things don’t change

Whichever Wexer solution you choose, though, whether API or SDK:

  • You control the end user interface, so the member sees the digital experience as coming from your brand.
  • We take responsibility for the expensive and time-consuming, yet invisible, task of hosting, streaming and continually refreshing the content.
  • You receive all content updates automatically, so there’s always something new for your members to try.
  • We offer you the same guarantee: that the product will constantly evolve, getting better and better all the time.

Indeed, by taking our API or SDK – by opening those gates to flow our content onto your digital platform – you’re essentially latching onto the Wexer platform and plugging into its development pipeline. You’re tapping into our extensive road map and instantly, automatically benefiting from every exciting new development the moment it launches.

In short, you aren’t buying a fixed product. Rather, you’re benefiting from the ongoing evolution of a platform that already leads the market in its reliability, functionality and breadth of content, and that we continuously invest in to add even more exciting new features, content and optimisations.

After all, in this fast-moving world, you have to continually evolve to stay current. By taking our SDK or API, you’re outsourcing some of the future-proofing of your own platform to us.


To discuss how the Wexer API or SDK could enhance your digital offering, please contact us at

Find out more about the Wexer SDK here.








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